Pray for me and my boys

A smile lights up Rosmah’s face as she sits in the office of the Vice Principal of Sabah Theological Seminary (STS) and shares her story. But her lips begin to tremble as she asks us to pray for her and her boys – Jimie and Joshua.

Rosmah is one of the Orang Asli – indigenous people of Malaysia from the Cameron Highlands (West Malaysia).

She is separated from her boys by four to five hours of car travel plus a three-hour flight from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Kinabalu/Sabah, on the island of Borneo.

Several years ago Rosmah came to know the love of Jesus Christ through the Lutheran Church in Malaysia and Singapore (LCMS) ministry. Knowing who Jesus is, what he has done and continues to do for her, Rosmah has been compelled to study theology, so she can minister to her people with the love she has experienced in and through Jesus Christ.

Via the LCA, and its partnership with the LCMS, you and I support Rosmah’s scholarship. This allows her to be equipped through her theological studies for ministry among her own people.

Rosmah will complete here studies at STS in June 2012. Following her graduation, she will return to West Malaysia to minister alongside Pastor Timah, who serves as a pastor to her people in the Orang Asli villages in Cameron Highlands.

Pastor Timah became the first Orang Asli female pastor to graduate from Sabah Theological Seminary and, in 2005, returned to serve God among her people. Pastor Timah works with three other Orang Asli pastors who have come from Sabah to serve as missionaries.

God is doing amazing things in these regions, as more people learn about the love of God as powerfully demonstrated in Jesus Christ.

What a privilege we, in the LCA, have to join him in this mission and ministry amongst the Orang Asli of Malaysia.

This story was also published in the June 2011 edition of Border Crossings, the magazine of LCA International Mission.

If you would like to know more about opportunities to personally support a scholarship recipient in your congregation during their stay in Australia, or ways in which you can financially and prayerfully support LCA International Mission’s scholarship program, you are invited to phone Nevin on (08) 8267 7300 or email

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