Stories: Papua New Guinea


God had other plans

‘We are witnesses of God’s great work being done through…

Life – a journey worth embracing

Anyone who has willingly hiked 1100 kilometres has to love the…

Doing all through the power of God

Papua New Guinea (PNG), where I work, is Australia’s nearest…

The sights and sounds of Synod in Papua New Guinea

‘The sound of random groups singing from huts on the hillside,…

Is God calling you to PNG?

The people of the Lutheran churches in Papua New Guinea (PNG)…

Joyful reunions at Goroka anniversary celebration

Several key Australian missionaries and their families recently…

“You’re not a visitor, you are family!”

Karkar, or ‘High Island’, is an island about 40km north east…

Connecting lives to the gospel

We thank the Lutheran Women of Australia, for their support of…

Mission museum open to public

Wantok Place, the LCA/NZ’s museum of Papua New Guinea artefacts,…

Living out their Christian calling

Life has many twists and turns, and as I recently discovered,…

What would you miss if your house burned down?

One day, a lady from a small nearby language group, called the…

Honouring mission friends at Wantok Place

Rarities, mysteries, culturally significant pieces and items…