Stories: Mission Workers


To the ends of the earth

‘But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon…

Thank you Glenice

Many people across Australia and New Zealand will have fond memories…

Blessed to build up Christ’s body

More than 450 participants gathered in Malaysia for the 38th…

New international mission leader for LCA

Pastor Matt Anker will take on the Lutheran Church of Australia’s…

Seasons of Change

A change of season is taking place in tropical Lae. The wet is…

Pathway to Mission

Ever since I started to contemplate doing mission work in Papua…

Sharing Incredible Joy

Eight years ago we were challenged to become volunteer program…

Reconnection and continuation of ministry

In 2016 Pastor Greg Schiller returned to Australia after more…

Stepping out in faith to bring medical care

We are excited to share with you our project of supplying medical…

God is at work to bring hope

Sitting on our balcony we hum the tune to ‘Give me a home among…

I’m Thankful

In a recent emailed newsletter Hanna Schulz shared her thankfulness. ‘I…

Scotty’s great mission support

‘The dog is the most faithful of animals and would be much…