Stories: Mission Workers


Life – a journey worth embracing

Anyone who has willingly hiked 1100 kilometres has to love the…

Doing all through the power of God

Papua New Guinea (PNG), where I work, is Australia’s nearest…

From Australia to Singapore – the Spirit lives

In October 2019 I travelled to Singapore to offer a teaching…

Is God calling you to PNG?

The people of the Lutheran churches in Papua New Guinea (PNG)…

Spreading the Word

There are 7361 known living languages, including sign languages,…

Growing on the world stage

Just over 500 years ago something happened. Many would say this…

Joyful reunions at Goroka anniversary celebration

Several key Australian missionaries and their families recently…

Learning the language of love

South Asia is a captivating place that overwhelms the senses…

What would you miss if your house burned down?

One day, a lady from a small nearby language group, called the…

It’s God’s Work

In Acts 16 the apostle Paul had a vision where the ‘men of…

Hearing the words of life

‘Who’s taken my life?’ That was the question Papua New…

A Labour of Love

When I told Marj and Clarrie Schutz that I wanted to write a…