Stories: Malaysia Peninsula


A Welcome at the Door

Prabhu sits proudly in his wheelchair at the doorway of the Green…

Rumah Chrestus damaged in fire

Rumah Chrestus, home for abused and orphaned children in Malaysia…

Why wouldn’t you?

At Rumah Chrestus, a home in Malaysia for children who have been…

The cost of the cross

In many ways, Andry and Ammylyn are like any other young Lutheran…

Miracles from Malaysia to Australia

Walking up Archer Street in North Adelaide, Mr. Jayasingh Rajiah…

Learning to serve and serving to learn

Immanuel College, Novar Gardens in South Australia, has had a partnership with Bethany Home in Malaysia for over eight years now. This partnership has been, and continues to be, a vital part of our mission and ministry.

Reconciliation among our Lutheran neighbours

In years gone by, the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) tended…

Love is Everywhere

It was an honour to be chosen by Lutheran Women Australia (LWA)…

Plugged in! – The power of connection

The word ‘connect’ is bandied about like cardboard coffee…

Light in the darkness

A candle radiating light is depicted in the logo of Bethany Home,…

Pray for me and my boys

A smile lights up Rosmah’s face as she sits in the office of…

Precious Cargo

Despite the trying natural and man-made conditions around them,…