Stories: Malaysia Peninsula


Reaching out to Malaysia’s Children

The Lutheran Church in Malaysia (LCM) has an exciting vision.…

Never be the Same

No-one heard everything Jesus said, but for those who heard 'love…

Smiles tell of true joy

When he was 25 [Bahman] prayed to God for healing. He had a dream in which a bottle of alcohol was thrown at his head. Not one to ignore the obvious, he immediately knew what needed to happen.

Servant heart inspires caring community

After years of resistance and within hours of death, Karthik’s dad was lead to say, 'I am a Christian'. Hearts soften and lives change in more ways than we plan when Jesus is trusted and allowed to shine brightly.

Accidentally falling in love

The photo could have been taken anywhere on the globe. Two people…

Reformer brings nations together

Scholars, theologians, bishops, church leaders, clergy and lay…

Hill of Theological Wind

Greetings from the Lutheran Theological Seminary (LTS) on To…

Much more than study

Tears flowed as we prayed and as Denise reflected on her experiences…

Love in action

Kate Wilson spent a month volunteering at Bethany Home in Malaysia…

Life-lessons learnt on a daily basis

It was with much enthusiasm that the eleven participants of the…

Stand on my feet

Sarala’s smile welcomes me into a conversation as she wheels…

Meeting Jesus at Bethany

Her smile lights up the room and brings warmth to the people…