Stories: Bible translation


Discerning choices in Papua New Guinea

Which fruit to buy at the local market will be a minor choice…

Many tasks…one goal

Hanna Schulz arrived in Papua New Guinea (PNG) just before Easter…

Bible Translation in Papua New Guinea

Hanna Schulz is no stranger to the love of God, ‘disclipling’,…

Growing as God’s people

For some people, whether teens or adults, confirmation lessons…

Hanna’s call translates to 20 years away from home

Hanna’s call translates to 20 years away from home At the…

Translators in it for the long haul

Bible translation is not as simple as it might first appear.…

Where to from here?

Hanna Schulz is a woman with vision, energy and calling – a…

Worth it

Like other Australian missionaries who have served in Papua New…

Sails, Symbols, Synonyms

It’s a clear, warm day as Hanna Schulz and I walk towards the…

The heart language

As our church celebrates over 30 years of involvement in Bible…

Crossing language barriers

By means of support through LBTA (Lutheran Bible Translators…