The support for the Cambodia program is multifaceted, combining:

  • budgeted support
  • off-budget support for people and programs
  • financial support for overseas partner staff involved in the ministry in Cambodia; and
  • personnel support offered through the LCA International Mission’s volunteer program (off budget).

The partnership arrangement was first established through Lutheran Church in Singapore and through the Singapore registered NGO – Lutheran World Mission. A new NGO – the Lutheran Association of Cambodia – has been set up  in order that all land purchases can be in the name of the Lutheran Church in Cambodia. Program support for the Lutheran Church in Cambodia will continue to be channelled through the office of LCA International Mission to LWM in Cambodia. This method provides strict audited processes through Singapore and the enabling of transparency and accountability.

The partnership is documented in a Memorandum of Understanding which has been signed with LCS and other overseas partner churches.

Current key areas of mission and ministry in Cambodia and Australia in which the LCA is involved in and supports in these various ways include:

  • Salary support for Lutheran Church in Singapore, Ministry Support staff memberMr Knong Chak Mun (Lutheran Church of Singapore) based in Cambodia
  • Expenses for Mr Warren Schirmer and Mr David LCA International Mission Cambodia Program Assistants (volunteer)
  • Provision of two short-term scholarships in Australia for representatives of LCC to study at Australian Lutheran College
  • Funds to support the consultancy work offered by Lutheran Education Australia Early Childhood for the planning and development of a Lutheran pre-school on the land in Phnom Penh
  • Theological studies for students at Phnom Penh Bible college (off budget)
  • Volunteer contingencies
  • Program officer and Assistant to the Bishop – International Mission travel to Cambodia to visit the programs (and in Australia to share the Cambodia stories as part of the overall communication with members in the LCA)
  • Life Centre and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 2201Krus Village, Rolea Pa’eir District, Kampong Chhnang Province (off budget)
  • Rainbow Hostel and City Church, Lutheran Church in Cambodia, Phum Teuk Thla, Sangkat Teuk Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh City, Kingdom of Cambodia (off budget)
  • New Ministry Centre, Tang Krang (Kampong Cham Province) (off budget)
  • Ministry programs and new ministry training rooms and Lutheran pre-school development (Lutheran Women of Australia) (off budget)
  • Facilitation of the development of a ‘Master Plan’ for LWM / LCC

Support for other off-budget programs via LCA website donation facility

  • Ministry and Mission team support
  • Ministry training rooms and Lutheran preschool
  • Scholarships for ministry students
  • Ministry coordinator
  • General donation – Cambodia
  • Volunteer Support

Other off-budget programs which have been and in some cases continue to supported include the following:

  • Land purchase opposite Life Centre in Phum Krus
  • Car purchase for ministry staff
  • Scholarship for Pastor Daniel Orn
  • Training of ministry leaders
  • Medical mission and livelihood programs
  • Scholarship for Chantrea (medical student)
  • Scholarships for students at the Rainbow Hostel
  • Scholarship for Srey Pov (wife of Pastor Daniel)
  • Scholarship for the wife of Sous Sophal (Seak Mev) to complete her nursing training in 2015

Areas of ministry requiring support are determined by LCC / LWM. The LCA is advised of these specific needs.

Information on the ministry and mission programs of Lutheran World Mission and Lutheran Church in Cambodia is shared on the website of Lutheran World Mission