Entries by admin

Gifts to fellow pastors reflect God’s love

When I called on Lutheran pastors in Australia and New Zealand to support their brother pastors in the Philippines, the response was breathtaking. I had heard from President Antonio Reyes of the Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP) about the effect of COVID-19 church shutdowns, inadequate health facilities, isolation and the lack of a government […]

Oroi’io Madei: The Living Word

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. – John 1:14 It is for this Word that the recently completed building in Ubuo village, Papua New Guinea, was named, ‘Oroi’io […]

How do we partner in these times? Virtually, of course!

The people of Ipswich and those living in Myanmar, share almost nothing in common. Food, clothing, cultural traditions, buildings, are worlds apart as you visit these two locations. And yet, through a partnership supported by LCA International Mission, the people of Ipswich Lutheran Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Myanmar (ELCM), share a profound […]

New life for an old resource

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” (Revelation 21:5) As followers of Jesus, we are people of the resurrection, so it should not surprise us when God brings new life out of something that appears dead and forgotten. Yet every time it happens, we are amazed! […]

Bow’s story

Home of Grace is a safe place for pregnant women who are in difficult situations. It is a service of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand. All the women who come to Home of Grace have a story to tell about how they came to be there. This is Bow’s story. * Bow is 23 […]

Learning and teaching as a reconciled child of God

I was blessed to have the opportunity to attend a Biblical Reconciliation workshop in Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra, in 2019. These workshops aim to equip and encourage pastors and teachers in Indonesia, and are offered as a service of the Lutheran Church of Australia. The workshop was based on six lessons: Remember whose you are Repent […]

Remembering Myrtle, with thanks

Myrtle Truss, a long-time supporter and faithful worker for our ‘Stamps for Mission’ project has passed away at the age of 92. For over 40 years, Myrtle actively contributed to the work of the LCA International Mission and she will be greatly missed. Myrtle Truss was a blessing to many people throughout her long life, […]

Learning about the Augsburg Confession – 2020-style

In September 2020, a much-anticipated seminar on the Augsburg Confession took place. But it was a very different event than the one originally planned. The Lutheran Study Centre in Sabah, Malaysia, last year asked LCA International Mission for assistance in staging a seminar on the Augsburg Confession. The resulting event was set for June 2020 […]

2020 – the year of ever-changing seasons

When I first came to Papua New Guinea (PNG) I was gifted with some advice from a former missionary, to try and return home to Australia about every six months. This would help me stay connected with my roots and to take rest from the intense experience of living in another culture. But the seasons […]

Being Aware in times of challenge and change

Grace Lutheran College has been partnering with schools in Indonesia since 2006. For many students and staff, the partnering program becomes a highlight of the years they spend at Grace College – connecting with like-minded peers and forming friendships that will last a lifetime. In 2020, students around the world faced new and unfamiliar challenges. […]

Blessings amidst a pandemic

In 2012, a partnership began between Navigator College in Port Lincoln, South Australia, and the school of SMA GKPS, Pematangraya, Indonesia. Since then, staff and students of the schools have been a blessing to each other, visiting, building relationships and providing support. It has been a long time not to say hello to our brothers […]

Of plans and prayers

Alvin Tan Wei Jianh began fulltime ministry with the Lutheran Church in Malaysia (LCM) after completing the Masters of Divinity program at Seminary Theology Malaysia (STM). This is the story of Alvin’s journey towards a call from God. Alvin was born and raised in Ipoh, the capital city of Perak state in Malaysia, the eldest […]